
  Teachers’Day in Thailand(泰国的教师节)

  In Thailand, Teacher‘s Day on January 16th is a school holiday. Students and the public are asked to remember the important role teachers play as our benefactors and persons who give light to our life. During the morning a special ceremony is held for the teachers. The first Teacher’s day was held back in 1957. Read the following report to find out what the students did with themselves with this day off。


  Wichaya (a twelve year old girl): On January 16th, I got up at 9 o‘clock in the morning. I drank some milk and ate a piece of cake. It was so delicious. I watched The Lion King and The Sound of Music. The Sound of Music is a very good movie. I have watched it five or six times already. On this day I did all of my homework., I did Art, Agriculture and Life Experience. I had to do a report for Agriculture. I sat at my desk for about two to three hours. I was so tired. I played Word Up with my cousins and my father. My father won the game. Then I played Scrabble. I cleaned up my room. I put all of my pictures in my drawers. I watched television until 6 o’clock. Then I went downstairs to eat some dinner with my parents, aunt and my grandmother. I went to sleep very early. Wichaya(12岁女孩)

  在1月16日这天,我早晨9点开始起床。我的早餐是牛奶和蛋糕,它们很好吃。饭后我看"狮子王"和"The Sound of Music","The Sound of Music"是一部非常好的电影,我已经看过五六次了。今天我还做了我所有的功课,艺术、农学和生活体验,我必须完成一个农学专题。我在我的课桌前坐了大约2到3个小时,感觉到非常累。然后我与我的堂兄弟姐妹、我的爸爸一起玩"Word Up"游戏,结果是爸爸赢了。后来是我玩拼图游戏。玩耍后我又打扫了我的房间,我把我所有的图片都放到了抽屉里。然后一直到晚上6点我一直都在看电视。再后来就是下楼和家人一块吃晚餐。今天我睡的很早。


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中国教育在线 2015-09-08
中国教育在线 2015-09-08
SRC-1620913984 2015-09-09